Callsign: | WDC7911 |
MMSI nummer: | 367078850 |
IMO nummer: | 8644369 |
Navigations status: | Reserved (12) |
Fartøjs klasse: | Tug (52) |
Destination: | US^0NJV>?? ??? |
Lokation: | 40°53.30' N 73°55.82' W - lokator FN30AV83IF - Vis kort 6.9 km Nordvest pejling 309° fra Borough of Bronx, Bronx, New York, United States [?] 8.2 km Vest pejling 271° fra Eastchester, Bronx, New York, United States 20.4 km Nord pejling 18° fra New York City, New York, United States 26.5 km Nord pejling 3° fra Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, United States |
Sidste position: | 2025-02-08 22:44:45 UTC (3d 20h34m siden) 2025-02-08 17:44:45 EST lokal tid i Borough of Bronx, United States [?] |
Kurs: | 24° – retning 24° |
Hastighed: | 18 km/h |
Dimensioner: | længde 24 m bredde 8 m dybdegang 2.8 m |
Sidste sti: | WDC7911>ais via KD2IBE |
Positions stored: | 23284 |