Callsign: | MNNG9 |
MMSI nummer: | 235050504 |
Navigations status: | Under way (engine) (0) |
Fartøjs klasse: | Sailing (36) |
Lokation: | 53°34.87' N 0°04.37' W - lokator IO93XN19GL - Vis kort 1.8 km Nord pejling 6° fra Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom [?] 3.5 km Nordvest pejling 311° fra Cleethorpes, North East Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom 94.7 km Østlige pejling 76° fra Sheffield, City and Borough of Sheffield, England, United Kingdom 100.0 km Østlige pejling 103° fra Leeds, City and Borough of Leeds, England, United Kingdom |
Sidste position: | 2025-02-09 14:33:12 UTC (3d 5h54m siden) 2025-02-09 14:33:12 GMT lokal tid i Grimsby, United Kingdom [?] |
Kurs: | 29° |
Hastighed: | 5 km/h |
Dimensioner: | længde 10 m bredde 4 m dybdegang 0.0 m |
Sidste sti: | MNNG9>ais via G0MNI-A |
Positions stored: | 1237 |