Callsign: | MBLI4 |
MMSI nummer: | 232009709 |
IMO nummer: | 501655 |
Navigations status: | Undefined/default (15) |
Fartøjs klasse: | Pleasure (37) |
Destination: | (ETA ***00 00:00) |
Lokation: | 54°12.52' N 4°48.89' W - lokator IO74OF20FB - Vis kort 14.4 km Nord pejling 343° fra Port Erin, Isle of Man [?] 22.5 km Vest pejling 287° fra Douglas, Isle of Man 135.4 km Nordøst pejling 43° fra Dublin, Dublin City, Leinster, Ireland 149.6 km Nordvest pejling 307° fra Liverpool, City and Borough of Liverpool, England, United Kingdom |
Sidste position: | 2025-02-11 05:52:14 UTC (1d 12h44m siden) 2025-02-11 05:52:14 GMT lokal tid i Port Erin, Isle of Man [?] |
Kurs: | 254° |
Hastighed: | 13 km/h |
Dimensioner: | dybdegang 0.0 m |
Sidste sti: | MBLI4>ais via GD4RVQ |
Positions stored: | 55 |