Callsign: | OJHM |
MMSI nummer: | 230358000 |
IMO nummer: | 8418174 |
Navigations status: | At anchor (1) |
Fartøjs klasse: | Cargo (79) |
Destination: | FIKOK |
Lokation: | 63°51.86' N 23°01.61' E - lokator KP13MU37FK - Vis kort 5.8 km Nordvest pejling 299° fra Karleby, Mellersta Österbotten, Province of Western Finland, Finland [?] 15.5 km Nord pejling 1° fra Kronoby, Österbotten, Province of Western Finland, Finland 110.4 km Nordøst pejling 39° fra Vaasa, Österbotten, Province of Western Finland, Finland |
Sidste position: | 2025-02-11 21:17:15 UTC (3m45s siden) 2025-02-11 23:17:15 EET lokal tid i Karleby, Finland [?] |
Kurs: | 54° – retning 298° |
Hastighed: | 0 km/h |
Dimensioner: | længde 167 m bredde 27 m dybdegang 7.1 m |
Persons on board: | 10 (2016-03-14 00:42:09 UTC – 3256d 20h38m siden) |
Sidste sti: | OJHM>ais via OH6AI |
Positions stored: | 175615 |