Kommentar: | GN27jo To:38 Up:-4.91m/s V:109Km/h Sun:43 WSPR PicoBalloon http://lu7aa.org/wsprx.asp?other=sp3rc/26&launch=20240829123000&SSID=26&banda=20m×lot=6&tracker=zachtek1 |
Lokation: | 47°36.60' N 55°12.21' W - lokator GN27JO56NJ - Vis kort 46.8 km Østlige pejling 72° fra Harbour Breton, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada [?] 49.4 km Nord pejling 355° fra Marystown, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 70.7 km Nordøst pejling 37° fra Grand Bank, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 117.6 km Nordøst pejling 38° fra Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Sidste position: | 2024-09-10 17:07:22 UTC (156d 12h37m siden) 2024-09-10 14:37:22 NDT lokal tid i Harbour Breton, Canada [?] |
Højde: | 7960 m |
Kurs: | 0° |
Hastighed: | 0 km/h |
Device: | Unknown: Unknown |
Sidste sti: | SP3RC-26>APRS via TCPIP*,qAR,LU7AA |
Positions stored: | 213 |
Andre SSID´er: | SP3RC-34 SP3RC-36 SP3RC-27 SP3RC-24 SP3RC-37 SP3RC-38 SP3RC-35 SP3RC-17 SP3RC-11 SP3RC-22 SP3RC-21 SP3RC-16 SP3RC-15 SP3RC-14 SP3RC-8 SP3RC-7 |