Kommentar: | ,StrTrk,58,9,1.46V,-19C,30080Pa, |
Lokation: | 39°27.88' N 104°53.30' W - lokator DM79NL31JM - Vis kort 605.6 m Nordøst pejling 60° fra Castle Pines, Douglas County, Colorado, United States [?] 962.9 m Sydøst pejling 145° fra Castle Pines North, Park County, Colorado, United States 31.6 km Syd pejling 165° fra Denver, Denver County, Colorado, United States 70.3 km Nord pejling 355° fra Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado, United States |
Sidste position: | 2024-10-10 20:05:20 UTC (126d 9h48m siden) 2024-10-10 14:05:20 MDT lokal tid i Castle Pines, United States [?] |
Højde: | 9678 m |
Kurs: | 204° |
Hastighed: | 48 km/h |
Sidste sti: | KF0GOR-11>CQ via N7UW-1*,WIDE2*,qAR,MAGMTN This station appears to be flying at high altitude and using digipeaters, which causes serious congestion in the APRS network. The tracker should be configured to only use digipeaters when at low altitude. |
Positions stored: | 1124 |
Andre SSID´er: | KF0GOR-14 KF0GOR-12 |